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The Club has a governance structure in place. Annual General Meetings (AGMs) are held around the end of March, with the Club accounting year running from 1st April to 31st March. 


The most recent minutes of the AGM held on the 30th March 2022 can be found below, together with minutes of previous years' meetings. 



(no AGM held)



We invite nominations for Club executive positions annually in advance of the AGM. The next nominations will be invited to be submitted on 1st March 2023. For a nomination to be voted upon, there needs to be a Proposer (the person submitting the nomination) and a Seconder (the person who seconds the nomination). The person being proposed should also be willing and able to carry out the role they are being proposed for. Terms of appointment are for one year at a time, although consecutive terms are accepted if the appointed person is willing to continue in the role.

The Club's Articles can be found below.

The Club's Strategy and Development plan can be found below. This is a "mission statement" detailing how we see the Club evolving in the coming years, our aspirations and targets. We have an overarching aim of growing the club to a steady membership of 40+ triathletes, and supporting them in their athletic and personal sporting goals.

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